Thursday, June 25, 2009

Google Reader -Shared Items Widget

Calling all Google Reader users!

For those of you who don't know, Google Reader is an RSS reader where you can organize many of the "things" you read/check regularly online, from blog posts, to tweets, to online photo albums, to website updates, etc.

I discovered a neat little widget in Google Reader this morning concerning sharing items. In Google Reader, you can click a button to "Share" something you are reading with your friends or designated contacts. These items can be accessed from the "Shared Items" section in Google Reader, or, a weblink. For example, here is a weblink to my Shared Items page.

All of these posting are done for you automatically when you click the "Share" button in Google Reader. Now, Google has created a great widget which will display access to a list of your shared items on your Blogger site. All you have to do is go to your Shared Items page and simply click to "Add a clip" and then click the "Add to Blogger" button. It is that simple! Your blogger layout will immediately open up, "dump" the widget in, and then, you can drag it around to wherever you want it to appear on your blog. (You can also get the HTML code to paste it on any other blog or website too.)

You can see my Shared Items list, here on sidebar this blog - check it out! :)

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