Thursday, December 2, 2010

Infinite Campus Kickoff

Yesterday, I attended the Infinite Campus Kickoff for Administrators.  I was excited to hear about the plans laid out for our new SIS rollout.  I am especially pleased with the plans for training.

First, 69 hours of "normal" training will be offered for all of the regular SIS users -  administrators, counselors, secretaries, attendance clerks, etc.  In addition to this, each school will receive special training for 2 school representatives, a Building Coach and a Teacher Coach, who are chosen to be sent to additional trainings and meetings. These 2 people will become the school's SIS experts and will offer onsite training and support during those critical first days of school.  Of course you will still have your district support resources as well, but how awesome it will be to have some onsite "specialists"!

The Building Coach and the Teacher Coach will receive a stipend for their time spent in the additional trainings.  More specifics and details about this process will be communicated directly to school administrators.  Go ahead and be thinking about who your school will choose and please be sure to lookout for upcoming critical emails coming from the SIS Team!

Click here for more information!

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